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Carpet Cleaning Service

"Our vacuums are equipped with high performing hepa-filters"

All of our vacuums are equipped with high performing hepa-filters which mechanically capture dirt and remove it rather than moving it around.

We use products such as microfibre dusting cloths and flat mops which can eliminate the need for chemicals. Applying coarse spray for chemicals, and applying the cleaner to the cloths rather than spraying the surface to be cleaned are all important aspects of indoor air quality programs.

We buy commercial cleaning products from only three leading manufacturers and use environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals along with chemical management systems for accurate product dilution. We make use of training course material to ensure our staff are fully conversant with the safe and effective use of these agents.

Our staff routinely use techniques that promote the 'green' use of chemicals. For example, applying disinfectant in a manner that ensures adequate dwell time to remove soiling and bacteria, yet using less product. We use colour-coded tools to minimise the impact on the environment.